
From: The Verity Outlet

Formerly Titled : Redeeming Truth Libraries

Metaphysics Pg. 4.3

This Library Presents Wisdom from All Angles of Demonology, Occultism, Christianity, etc. __Draw Your Own Conclusions,

         The Magnus-Opum of the works  by Abra-Melin the Mage is based on contact with Angelic forces and being assigned your Guardian Angel, wherefore, the demonic forces can be controlled to perform the magic one desires without losing control the demons which results in negative consequences. Abraham the Jew wrote these instructions for his own son, therefore, this manual of conjuring is done with upmost carefulness and detailed explanations to withhold any harm from entering his son's life.

Warning: Of course, these works were written whence his son Lamech was already an adult and during years of practice, he had his father to console is any problems would arise; much different then say, someone inexperiences attempting to follow these instructions.

Grimoires    (70+)

       When it comes to ancient texts that are inherently magical or purport to contain instructions for conjuring spirits, spells or demons, Wicca may come to mind. However, there are enchanted books from many different religious and spiritual backgrounds and they are called grimoires.

        Grimoires usually contain instructions for casting spells, conjuring spirits, and general manifestation of the metaphysical. There are myriad grimoires, varying in provenance and nature that have formed the basis for different religions as well as occult practices. There are even grimoires that have yet to be deciphered and continue to elude cryptologists.

        Despite the enigmatic essence of grimoires, one thing that is certain is that they contain power beyond just the nature of their words, whether by producing actual magic or not. Derived from the word “grammar,” grimoires teach us how to combine words in a grammatical way to conjure and achieve otherworldly effects — they are essential to esoteric practices including spirit magic.            

        *Also, see How to Use Grimoires listed below Difficult to Decode.

9th Century (811 A.D.)

   Goetia or Goëtia is a practice that includes the conjuration of demons, specifically the ones summoned by the Biblical figure, King Solomon. The use of the term in English largely derives from the 17th-century grimoire Lesser Key of Solomon, which features an Ars Goetia as its first section.

Ars Goetia. The Ars Goetia (often called just Goetia) is the first section of The Lesser Key of Solomon, an anonymously-written, 17th century book on demonology. It described 72 demons that King Solomon of the Hebrew Bible summoned, trapped, and enslaved;

Solomon was traditionally considered the author of several biblical books, "including not only the collections of Proverbs, but also of Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon and the later apocryphal book the Wisdom of Solomon.

Chris Everard Pt. 1-15

1077 pg. w/Ch. Bookmarks

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The Primary Question Always Remains,

"Where do we go after death?"

          It's almost certain that if someone's able to control a demon and have a production relationship with the spirit fulfilling all obligations asked by the demon; now, if this person ends-up in their world after death, they'll now be at the mercy of demonic spirits who'll most certainly torture the begotten human spirit which now becomes a slave to their former demons (and more) for possibly eternity.

      Therefore, when Christians have NDE's and all claim to travel through a tunnel, could this tunnel truly be keeping them from the other more harmful Spirit Realms (which we as humans can contact, through Astral Projection)  and delivering them straight into Heaven?

Learn How to Control Demons

Two Islamic Perspectives: In top video,  Muslims man claims past wars were aided by demons , but they weren't given victory just the bloodshed of many humans.

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The Spiritual Realm

 By:  Lion of Judah

Length:  15:00

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Literature on Demonology, Spirit Magic and Spiritual Warfare

Excerpt: The Sworn Book of Honorius

                A 9th Century Grimoire instructions for a  Deacon, Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, or Pope  

        After sunrise a black cock must be killed, the first feather of its left wing being plucked and preserved for use at the required time. The eyes must be torn out, and so also the tongue and heart; these must be dried in the sun and afterwards reduced to powder. The remains must be interred at sunset in a secret place, a cross of a palm in height being set upon the mound, while at each of the four corners the signs which here follow must be drawn with the thumb :
3 The Mass of Pentecost, except the Epistle, which should be that of the Tuesday after Pentecost, and the Gradual, for which there are special versicles.On this day also the operator should drink no wine and abstain from eating meat.
          On Tuesday, at break of day, let him say a Mass of the Angels,1 placing the feather taken from the bird upon the altar, together with a new penknife. The signs hereinafter represented must be inscribed on a sheet of clean paper with the consecrated wine which is the Blood of Jesus Christ; They should be written upon the altar, and at the end of the Mass__ He shall then begin the “Office of the Dead” with 1/enite exultemus Domino, &c. He shall recite Matins and Lauds, but in place of the versicle of the ninth Lesson 1 he shall say: Deliver us, O Lord, from the fear of hell. Let not the demons destroy my soul when I shall raise them from the deep pit, when I shall command them to do my will. May the day be bright, may the sun and moon shine forth, when I shall call upon them. Terrible of aspect are they, deformed and horrible to sight; but do Thou restore unto them their angelic shapes when I shall impose my will upon them. 0 Lord deliver me from those of the dread visage, and grant that they shall be obedient when I shall raise them up from hell, when I shall impose my will upon them.
       After the “Office of the Dead” the operator shall extinguish the taper, and at sunrise shall cut the throat of a male lamb of nine days, taking care that the blood does not gush forth upon the earth. He shall skin the lamb, and shall cast its tongue and heart into the fire. __On the tenth day, before the rising of the sun, the lambskin shall be covered with the ashes of the heart and tongue__

        On Thursday2, after sunset, the flesh of the lamb shall be interred in a secret place where no bird can come, and the priest with his right thumb shall inscribe on the grave the characters here indicated...        Christ Jesus, Redeemer of men, who, being the Lamb without spot, wast immolated for the salvation of the human race, who alone wast found worthy to open the Book of Life, impart such virtue to this lambskin that it may receive the signs which we shall trace thereon, written with Thy blood, so that the figures, signs, and words may become efficacious; and grant that this skin may preserve us against the wiles of the demons; that they may be terrified at the sight of these figures, and may only approach them trembling__

                                                                                                                                                        Grimoire of Honorius, a shorter version,  is though to be a Forgery by someone else attempting to give credit to the Pope.

 Ft. Ch. Bookmarks

 [Exerpt] The Language of Demons ans Angels:  

            You, therefore, sons of wisdom and learning, search diligently in this book, gathering together our dispersed intentions, which in divers places we have propounded; and what is hid in one place, we make manifest in another, that it may appear to you wise men. For, for you only have we written.  

 —Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535)

      The Renaissance is a period in European history, covering the span between the 14th Century to the beginning of the 17th century, and marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity

The Renaissance

            The Malleus Maleficarum, usually translated as the Hammer of Witches, is the best known and the most thorough treatise on witchcraft. It was written by the discredited Catholic clergyman Heinrich Kramer (under his Latinized name Henricus Institoris) and first published in the German city of Speyer in 1487. It endorses extermination of witches and for this purpose develops a detailed legal and theological theory.It was a bestseller, second only to the Bible in terms of sales for almost 200 years. It has been described as the compendium of literature in demonology of the fifteenth century.

How Do I Learn Real Magic Powers?

Credit to: author, Shahin Ebrahim
Updated Apr 19, 2018

A2A. I'm afraid to give you the answer to this question, out of fear that people will misuse the information.

So I'm not going to give you any specifics, just the general idea..

True magic requires demonic involvement. Humans by themselves are powerless to do magic. Likewise, demons by themselves are also unable to do magic. But when they combine forces, humans are able to do powerful magic with the aid of demons.

There are books I could mention which are so evil, even if you don't read them, just having them in your home will attract negativity. It's all about energy.

If you have some literature which is written by a saint, a truly pious servant of the Almighty, it will attract lots of positive energy. Likewise, if you possess literature written by a person with darkness in their heart, it will attract negativity; darkness, demons, evil.

Magic in itself is darkness. There is no white magic and black magic. To do real magic, you sell your soul. There's a contract involved. It doesn't have to be a physical contract, written in blood, etc, but a deal has to be made…

The magician is well aware of the price he pays for the abilities he will receive and he is made to do the most heinous, disgusting things in order to achieve his ends.

Being a magician isn't some walk in the park. Pleasing demons isn't an easy task. You might gain power but you can kiss happiness goodbye. No matter how much fame and fortune you may gain, I guarantee you, behind the scenes, these top magicians like Dynamo and David Blaine live very tormented lives.

If you're willing to do disgusting things like ritual sacrifices, worshiping demons, drinking blood and urine, eating feaces, and other depraved, heinous acts, then being a magician could be a viable option.

I've only mentioned a few of the disgusting things magicians do, but it's actually so much deeper. From engaging in acts of homosexuality, sodomy, child molestation, self mutilation, rape, murder… the list just goes on and on.

Eventually, you'll be made to sacrifice someone very beloved to you. Perhaps a parent, spouse, child or sibling…

And you might wonder how any person would ever do something so sick and depraved, but you have no idea how dabbling in those dark arts affects the hearts of those involved.

We're talking about people who are vehicles for demonic entities. Magicians are extremely intimate with demons. Once you become a true magician, the human part of you pretty much dies, for the most part. You'll never again be the person you used to be.

And ultimately, you will pay the ultimate price… being nothing less than the salvation of your very soul; your eternal soul..

The magician will have no share of goodness in the next life and they know this all too well.

I know what you're thinking..

Who in their right mind would ever make such a wretched deal, right?

Well, you'll be surprised. This is why it's so important to live a religious, Godly life. Because once you traverse the road of sin and godlessness, it twists your heart, sometimes to such an extent, that it becomes impossible to discern right from wrong. And if you travel down the rabbit hole deep enough, eventually, you will lose yourself completely, to such an extent, that you'll even barter your eternal salvation, in exchange for a few short years of worldly power.

It's an illogical choice but that's exactly the deal which one needs to make to become a true magician.

May the Almighty save us all from ever falling into this satanic web. Ameen ya Rabbal aalimeen (Amen, oh Lord of the worlds).

                                                                           Ch. I: The Fathers of the Church and the Evil Eye

      " The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how difficult even the most highly educated and sophisticated Christians of the late fourth and early fifth centuries found it to rid themselves of the idea that envy lends a malign power to men’s eyes. The idea at issue is that the eyes of envious men are able, unaided, to inflict injury at a distance. This is the belief called the “evil eye” by speakers of English and other modern European languages, though that significantly is not the way in which most men in pagan and Christian antiquity would have referred to it. The difficulty that such fathers of the church as Basil, Jerome, and John Chrysostom had with freeing themselves from the idea is some indication of how deep-seated it must have been in the general population.

      I shall also try to show that these church fathers, who do attack belief in the evil eye, address only one aspect of a much larger constellation of beliefs. They leave unquestioned the assumption that there are envious supernatural forces out there eager to destroy prosperity, virtue,and beauty. Their failure to deal with this larger issue is a further indication of just how much a part of men’s mental make-up must have been the conviction that life was beset by unseen envious forces. We see evidence of that fear in the many amulets that survive from this period. It is important to bear in mind that the fear reflected in these objects is not directed specifically at the evil eye as the fathers of the church construe it but at a much wider spectrum of dangers. In the case of Basil and John Chrysostom, and perhaps to a lesser extent Jerome, there is a further factor that has affected their thinking about the evil eye: the influence of pagan philosophy has made them concentrate their attention on a severely restricted conception of the evil eye to the exclusion of other related beliefs. The fathers of the church have no reservations about condemning all forms of magic-working,in which category they certainly included the casting of the evil eye.

      Although they are unanimous and consistent in their condemnation of magic-working, they waver on the question of whether there is anything to it. They condemn magicians as frauds and charlatans, but sometimes speak of them as though they posed a real threat. They have no doubt that magic is the devil’s work, but they are not at all certain whether the demonic forces magicians enlist to aid them do in fact afford any real help or only create the illusion of change. The attitude of the fathers of the church to magic reflects in part the hostility of the Roman civil authorities to magic as a socially disruptive force, in part the skepticism found in educated pagan circles about the possibility of a man’s being able to set aside the laws of nature, and in part the feeling that endowing men with more than human abilities is contrary to Christian doctrine. Scripture has a surprisingly small part to play in shaping Christian attitudes toward magic.

      How little support the church fathers can find in it for their condemnation of magic is apparent in Jerome’s palpable delight in his commentary on Galatians at Paul’s mentioning sorcery (pharmakeia) immediately after idolatry amongst the deeds of the flesh (Gal.5:18): here marks that we are not to imagine that magical spells and the maleficent arts are not forbidden in the New Testament; they are forbidden amongst the deeds of the flesh. The explanation he gives for their being put in this category is that because of the magical arts unfortunate people often fall in love and become the objects of love.T he church fathers may have found condemnations of magic hard to come by. They are even less well-placed when it comes to adducing scriptural authority for their contention that magicians and sorcerers are impostors and charlatans. They are firmly convinced that men cannot alter the course of nature but cannot find chapter and verse to support that view. "                                                                                                 by Matthew W. Dickie

         When viewing this text, particularly comments I highlighted with bold and italic lettering, I'm at odds whether this author truly has the thought-process of the Church Fathers correct in their entirety. Whether these men disagree if demonic forces can truly allow man  (despite the fact it truly isn't the man, though he must perform the work in conjuring the spiritto alter the forces of nature is debatable. Nonetheless, the message coming from Christianity and the New Testament is [1] Christ needed not the assistance of demons but the Holy Spirit and the same goes for all His followers abiding in His Word. [2] Applying the help of demons only leads to future turmoil as these beings truly hate man and cannot be completely controlled.            by Shaun Prario      

For a more thorough analysis on this topic, visit Section (Sector)  1 & 4 at:

Excerpt from: Byzantine Magic

Reknowned Literature:

Antiquity The Dark Ages:

Medieval Period Renaissance:

Warnings: Deliverance from Demons:

19th 21st Centuries   

ft.  From Ancient Text

Full Library of Demonology:

Mystics Meet God,

       Conjuring Demonic Spirits for the application of magical powers is one form of exploring the divine world, but what about traveling to the highest-level of the spiritual realm, (Heaven), and actually infusing our human soul with the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit?

      The Christian Mystics from St. Teresa of Avila to Thomas Merton claim they can do just that; become one with God.

        They've recorded within their personal writings that one must e of the most righteous existence as one allows their soul to exit their body completely trusted in the will, protection, and love of God. Furthermore, men like Merton have stated that when erasing our mind/ego and trusting your soul to exit into the unknown, it still requires a Spirit Guide to guide it to God, and this spirit must be none-other than the Holy Spirit who brings our soul into perfect harmony with God; the Father & Son!

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Difficult to Decode:

[2] This  presented version of the infamous Voynich manuscript is partially-translated.

[3] Ancient text known as Necronomicon is said to have driven many men insane.

How to Use GrimoiresAs onerous a task it would be to transfer the text above into useable magic, none of the grimoires in this library can be utilized fro practical magic if someone isnt previously knowledgeable to a level consisting of an elementary foundation of magic. Basic Evoking and Banishing techniques aren't typically explained within these grimoires in this library, or most grimoires one will come across. Evoking is the act of summoning a spirit into one's presence for assistance, while Invoking means to allow a spirit to enter within your body; similar to possession. The latter is considered extremely dangerous as granting allowance to a malevolent spirit is doubtless risky and can be very harmful. The Ancient Phoenecians, Egyptians, Greek, Romans, etc. all believed both good and evil spirits existed. This belief could very well appear to be true, but whether the good while abode earth spirits are just as harmful to a person in the afterlife as the evil spirits remains debatable. Anyhow, Invoking a bad spirit could have dire consequences

[1] Excerpt from: Secret Teachings of all Ages

[1] "Those who sought to control elemental spirits through ceremonial magic did so largely with the hope of securing from the invisible worlds either rare knowledge or supernatural power. The little red demon of Napoleon Bonaparte and the infamous oracular heads of de Medici are examples of the disastrous results of permitting elemental beings to dictate the course of human procedure. While the learned and godlike dsemon of Socrates seems to have been an exception, this really proves that the intellectual and moral status of the magician has much to do with the type of elemental he is capable of invoking. But even the daemon of Socrates deserted the philosopher when the sentence of death was passed. Transcendentalism and all fonns of phenomenalistic magic are but blind alleys— outgrowths of Atlantean sorcery; and those who forsake the straight path of philosophy to wander therein almost invariably fall victims to their imprudence. Man, incapable of controlling his own appetites, is not equal to the task of governing the fiery and tempestuous elemental spirits."

 [2]   "While the black magician at the time of signing his pact with the elemental demon maybe fully convinced that he is strong enough to control indefinitely the powers placed at his disposal, he is speedily undeceived. Before many years elapse he must turn all his energies to the problem of self-preservation. A world of horrors to which he has attuned himself by his own covetousness looms nearer every day, until he exists upon the edge of a seething maelstrom, expecting momentarily to be sucked down into its turbid depths. Afraid to die—because he will become the servant of his own demon—the magician commits crime after crime to prolong his wretched earthly existence. Realizing that life is maintained by the aid of a mysterious universal life force which is the common property of all creatures, the black magician often becomes an occult vampire, stealing this energy from others. According to medieval superstition, black magicians turned themselves into werewolves and roamed the earth at night, attacking defenseless victims for the life force.             

                                                ➖ This 2nd quote reminds us of common accusations of our pedophilia occultist ruling-class financial-elite. - S.P.

Ancient Hebrew

Serial Killers & Demonic Possession

     Is it possible that people can grow to full adulthood without the uncontrollable desire of torturing to death another human being and then suddenly go on a killing spree? How could this be?

     According to ancient scripture, demons are the disembodied spirits of the ancient giants. These giants are said to contain virtually all of the features which constitute our modern serial killers; little empathy for others, cannibalism, homosexuality, hatred for mankind, extreme violence, etc.

     Our modern civilization dismisses the idea of demonic possession as garb from medieval times prior to the scientific revolution. Even though science has just as many unknowns and is loaded with fairy tales, see: There's another reason for the dislike of the idea of human possession at the hands of demonic spirits. This reason is because many believe it's no more than an excuse for the acts perpetrated. They believe its a typical human response to alleviate from responsibility.

       If demonic possession was ever to be accepted than we could expect many to attempt applying this theory to there criminal courtroom defense. Nonetheless, a true demonic possession had specific guidelines to determine when categorizing an event as a possession, and these aren't as arduous to detect as many believe. Furthermore, an innumerable level of people have been simply thrown inside prisons and mental hospitals all across Europe and the United States during the past few centuries and large scores of these condemned people could've received help but were made to continue on in there horrid sufferings.

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Enlightenment Period, The  (17-18th Centuries):

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, 1486-1535, was a German mystic and alchemist.

            Agrippa of Nettesheim was born of a once-noble family near Cologne, and studied both medicine and law there, apparently without taking a degree. In 1503, he assumed the name Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, adopting the von to suggest a noble background; three years later, he established a secret society in Paris devoted to astrology, magic, and Kabbalah.

        The Age of Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated Europe during the 17th-18th centuries. Some consider the publication of I. Newton's Principia Mathematica  the first major enlightenment work, as many consider the true Age of Enlightenment to have occurred from 1715 to 1789 A.D.

The Enlightenment

Ars Notoria *Review

Ancient Creatures of Old   

          Demons: In the hierarchy of evil, as laid out in grimoires and occult texts, each demon has a name and a precise function. For long, people carried out rites of protection as a defense against these malevolent spirits. 

          Demonologist's have compiled large volumes including the names and functions of each demon from the infernal hierarchy. These ranged from Satan, the ruler of all demons, down to Ukobach, the demon taking care of the infernal flame. According to legend, as each demon is specialized in a certain domain of activity, it can be invoked for help in that respective area. Nevertheless,, the price of such an invocation is always the soul of the person, who will ultimately end up in Hell as a servant of their former helper. Demons were summoned using special incantations found in demonology catalogs. Let's examine just a few demons and their abilities..

        According to Collin de Plancy in his 1863 “Dictionnaire Infernal”, the demon Euronymus was invoked by wizards who wanted somebody dead. It is said that this demon liked to feed on rotten flesh. The Incubus and Succubus deliver terrorizing nightmares where they seduce their victims into sexual acts. They'll also torment their victims outside the dream state and are consider perchance the most arduous to rid by applying the name of Christ. numerous modern tales exist telling the name of God not to scare away demons , but believe me, these being flee quick from the calling of Christ and this method can further be applied to effortlessly cleanse a home. Now on to Beelzebub, the “Lord of Flies” or another form of the Devil. In this incarnation, he is said to be extremely difficult to exorcise. The primary form of the devil is Lucifer whom can manifest as a handsome 35 yr. old man, merely a voice, or in the form of an innocent young boy, among others.

Daimon, the origin of Demons

     The Greeks had developed a belief in supernatural spirits at a very early stage; this can be detected in their language. For example, the Greek word for happiness was eudaimonia, which literally meant ‘having a good daimon. (Greek for Demon). These people believed that a daimon attached to a person at the moment of birth and dictated one’s destiny, good or evil. A good daimon acted as a kind of “guardian spirit” in the life of a happy person. The exact forms of this belief seem to have varied.

      It can be onerous to determine exact beliefs but the Greek and Roman gods were demons. Once again, there were good and bad demonic spirits. The Olympians were either true gods or simply the best demons. It became popular to think about lesser-demons as intermediary figures between the Olympians and the mortals; they inhabited areas close to men and exercised direct influence over their affairs.

      Now of 'course, more ancient accounts of demons exist, but the further we travel back, the more and more these spirits are only referred to as gods. Ancient Egypt, Native Americans which leave us little to none written accounts, and perhaps the first directly delivered by the Aryans out of Atlantis after surviving the flood is the Vedic origins of Hinduism.

             The three terms of my subtitle – the Demonic Tradition, the Self, and Popular Fiction – name the three areas where these elements will be identified and examined. The “demonic tradition” I am interested in is realised in the demonologies of the past, and in the beliefs, practices and narratives of many people even today (different cults, fundamentalist religious groups and many non-Western cultures are especially notable in having kept their demonic traditions alive). The “self” refers to an identity (narrative, social, or psychological) that is problematised, disintegrated and reintegrated by the disrupting effects of demonic activity. By titling my analysed texts “popular fiction” I do not mean that they all would be bestsellers (even if many of them are); rather, this selection (discussed below) demonstrates the wide range of demonic elements in contemporary fiction, from popular horror through science fiction to the “magical realism” of Salman Rushdie. With their blasphemous potential, demonic elements have the capacity to mingle “high” and “low” in a manner that shakes the boundary between “art” and “popular entertainment.”                   ➖ Frans Ilkka Mäyrä  (Finish author)

Demonic Texts and Textual Demons

One of the Warrens Most Horrifying Cases, 11:01

Vampires & Shamans

       The origin of Vampires lies in the consummation of human blood to either prolong an earthly existence to combat the fear of enslavement to a demon one worked magic with or simply in response to a demons demands in order to satisfy and keep at bay the demon. People often get sick, having organs rot away when supernatural entities abide within them. In certain cases, people will retain their health by eating and drinking what's consider good by the spirit. e.g. human flesh, blood, and urine.. *Read the comments by Manley P Hall below.

      After the passing of known vampires, their coffins would commonly be nailed shut out of fear they'd return in spirit form to haunt the living. In the common era after the arrival of Jesus Christ, within Christian countries a cross would additionally be painted on the coffin which does have an effect in preventing the travel of spirits; similar to saltLikewise, it was common practice to nail shut the caskets of any dead Shamans out of the fear their spirit could provide powerful hautings.


        An evocation (from Latin word evocatio was the “calling forth” or “summoning away”) – is a magical act of commanding a (with names and symbols – usually of Christianity) spiritual entity while protecting yourself from harm. A circle is created here every time to protect magician from summoned entity/energy and to bound, restrict entity within it. The magician in this case is outside the circle with the demon inside. If one is to reach into the circle prior to successfully abolishing the demon, the spirit could become attached and reek havoc within their lives.

       From the Satanists point of view, an evocation suggests fear, restriction, and a forceful controlling domination over the spirit based on negative emotions. Remember, most old grimoires are written from a christian standpoint. Therefore, these rituals are primarily evocations. 


         A Satanist will explain to you that an invocation is most natural method of summoning demons (or any entity) and in opposition to evocation, it doesn’t create unnecessary tension and boundaries, which restrict flow of an energy. An evocation on the other hand requires a lot of energy and results are weak in comparison to an invocation. There is simply no better technique that yields such results.

         Of 'course, this methods puts one in a direct relationship with the spirit. During the invocation, the magician and demon are both inside the circle and the spiritual entity's energy can be strongly recognized.

ft.  Carl Jung

ft.  Witchcraft

And More

Real Witches Occult Documentary • 2016 • 1:57:17

When Calling on a Demon's Angelic Counterpart,

 first call upon these Archangels by asking:
Archangel Uriel stand before me to the north
Raphael come stand to the south behind me
Michael appear to the right on my east-hand side &
Gabriel stand to the West on my left and please watch over this ritual

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      The majority of Christians have never heard of the knowledge in this 'Messianic Miracles' video, though it originates from Babylonian/ Jewish Talmud which your average Christian would undoubtedly label heretical literature, if not a downright  Satanic book.

           The Pseudomonarchia Daemon was authored in the 16th century by Johann Weyer. {following excerpt from Page 17] .

           "Scholars have called Weyer a Catholic, an Erasmian Christian, a Protestant of Erasmian or Melanchtonian persuasion, a Spiritualist, a Lutheran and a Calvinist.53 As well as revealing different readings of his works, this variety reflects the vague boundaries that existed in the sixteenth century between denominations, with reformers influencing each other and with contemporary scholars taking eclectic and fluid positions.54 Yet it is clear that by the mid-sixties Weyer had taken a Reformed stance.  

          Weyer attempted withholding others from conjuring spirits and performing magic by way of his literature; or at least, he didn't want to be responsible for others performing such deeds. For this reason he purposely withheld vital information required. The demons individual seals that one should really obtain online constructed in the proper metal found attributed to each demon located within the Goetia - has been purposely left-out. Furthermore, one can simply visit the Goetia to learn the 5 complete steps required to carry-out a ceremony, and this information is not depicted in its entirety within the pages of the Psuedomonarchia Daemomium authored by Weyer.


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A Gruesome Visit to Hell

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     Abaddon, the place of destruction, is synonymous with Hades the home of Hell.  Abaddon, alike Hades, is also personified as the king of the abyss. Abaddon is said to possess the ability to command an army of locusts to torment men/women.

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  This Website was Last Updated on 06/19/2021

Another Interesting Grimiore not featured on this site:  "The Eight Book of Moses" (A Geco-Egyptian Manuscript)

"De Ente Spirituali"  _by Paracelsus,  or "The Life & Teachings of Paracelsus" _by Franz Hartmann